Tisroc Prison

  • Tisroc Prison


Tisroc Prison was built by my friend Perry.  I was unsure how to start building it, so I asked him for some assistance, and the next thing I knew I had a prison.  It is built entirely into a ravine, except for the watchtowers, outer walls, and the Warden’s Office on the surface.  The cells are carved directly into the ravine walls.  The floor of the ravine has the Mess Hall.  Deep below the ravine are the solitary confinement cells, and the prison’s original inmate: a dragon.


Tisroc Prison is the largest and most secure prison in all of Alpha.  Built directly into the walls of a deep ravine, it can house hundreds of inmates.  It houses inmates from many nations and kingdoms from around the world.  Its security is highly enhanced by the wizards of the Magekeep.


Road: Road to Tisroc Village & Southron
Skytower: Airship to Cair Denbar