Arthur’s Crossing
Arthur’s Crossing is a long-term project that was conceived back in July 2015. Most of my recent builds have been more planned out and uniform than some of my older locations. The original two cities, Imperial City & Agrazahn, have been continually growing and expanding for years now, unlike some of my newer places like Southron and Borean Landing, which look very uniform as they were completely planned out from the beginning. They have always felt more “organic” to me.
I am trying to replicate this organic feeling with Arthur’s Crossing. I have planned it out in several phases, starting as just a castle, and then expanding into a town and so on. The final phase was completed in December 2021, and Arthur’s Crossing is now fully complete!
- Phase 1: Construct Castle Pendragon – Completed 3/27/2016
- Phase 2: Build Small Village – Completed 9/3/2017
- Phase 3: Expand into a Town – Completed 4/10/2018
- Phase IV: Expand into a Full City – Completed 12/24/2019
- Phase V: Expand Castle. add Harbor Village – Completed 7/13/2020
- Phase VI: Build final outer wall, expand city to its limits – Completed 11/27/2021
- Phase VI+: Build two hamlets off the other city gates – Completed 12/5/2021
The naming of Arthur’s Crossing and the Frozen Land of Nador comes from Monty Python’s Holy Grail. There is a line where Arthur and his party are crossing the Frozen Land of Nador, and they had to eat Robin’s Minstrels. The continent here is a large frozen landscape, so Nador fit nicely. I also wanted a city name similar to King’s Landing from Game of Thrones, so I invented Arthur’s Crossing.
Arthur’s Crossing is a frozen, inhospitable place in the middle of a frozen continent. Only the hardiest of people come to live here.
West Gate: Road to Chapman Harbor
North Gate: Road to Idle Flats
South Gate: Road to Terries Grove
Arthur’s Crossing Skytower: Airship to Zaldrin